Friday, May 1, 2009

Swivel Or Pull-Out TV Wall Mounts

If you are trying to decide on a TV wall mount and need one that has a significantly amount of viewing flexibility then you might want to consider Swivel TV wall mount. This type of wall mount is often a great choice.

Swivel TV wall mounts are considered to be a step below the Articulating TV wall mounts that we will be writing about next. Swivel mount design is similar to that of an Articulating wall mount and completely different from Fixed wall mounts and Tilt wall mounts.

The big difference between Swivel TV mounts and the other one we have already written about is that they can swivel back and forth, something fixed and tilt mounts can't do. TVs when attached to this type of mount are hooked to an arm like device that allows them to be shifted to the left and to the right. This is really nice when you have your TV situated in a room where you might watch TV from the far left or right at certain times. Swivel mounts also come with the ability to adjust for angle just like the Tilt TV wall mounts.

One drawback of swivel mounts is that once installed your TV actually ends up pretty far away from the wall. If you are looking for your TV to be up against the wall without extra space then I don't recommend this flat panel wall mount. One issue with your TV being so far from the wall is deciding how you are going to hide those ugly cables that attach to your LCD or plasma TV.

Swivel TV wall mounts are still relatively cheap if you shop for the right one. You can find one that is of high quality and that also sells for a good price. You do have to be selective though. You don't want to get a really cheap one that might break and ruin your TV but you also don't wanna get ripped on and accidentally buy one that is overpriced.

If you want to get a TV wall mount then go for it. They can help save space in your room and give it an ultra modern look.

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